TM 55-1930-209-14&P-21
Inspection and Repair
Inspect bearings for excessive wear or rough spots.
Inspect fan blade assembly for cracks, bends or breaks.
Remove any rust or rough spots from grooves of fan pulley and crankshaft pulley.
Discard and replace all seals.
Repair by replacement of defective parts.
5-52 Fan assembly, reassembly and installation. Reassemble fan assembly in reverse sequence of disassembly
Section XIV.
Oil Cooler and Oil Filter
5-53 General
Oil Cooler
Engine oil cooler is mounted on lower right front side of engine block in front of oil filter.
Cooling water circulated through oil cooler completely surrounds oil cooler core. Oil cooler housing is
attached to an oil cooler adaptor, which in turn is attached to cylinder block. Flow of oil is from oil pump through a
passage in oil cooler adaptor to full flow oil filter, (which is also mounted on adaptor) and then through oil cooler core and
cylinder block galleries.
If oil cooler should become plugged, a bypass valve located near top of lower engine front cover, bypasses
oil from oil pump discharge port directly to oil galleries in cylinder block. Bypass valve opens at approximately 52 psi.
Oil Filter
Engine oil filter is mounted on lower right front of engine just behind oil cooler and below blower.
Full flow oil filter consists of a replaceable element enclosed within a shell. A bypass valve, which opens
at 18 to 21 psi, is located in adaptor to ensure engine lubrication should filter become clogged.
5-54 Oil cooler, removal and disassembly
Drain cooling system.
Loosen and slide clamps and hose back on water inlet elbow on cylinder block.
Loosen and slide clamps and hose back on tube leading from thermostat to water pump.
Remove bolts and lock washers which attach the water pump to the oil cooler housing.
Remove the oil filter assembly.
Matchmark end of oil cooler housing, cooler core and adaptor with a punch or file so they can be
reinstalled in same position.