TM 55-1930-209-14&P-21
Refer to Figure 5-24 and remove bolts and lockwashers which attach oil cooler housing to adaptor.
When removing the housing and core do not drop the core. Damage to the core could cause oil to
leak into the cooling system during engine operation. Core damage could also allow water to leak
into the oil when the engine is shut down. Either problem has the potential of ruining the engine.
Remove housing and core as an assembly.
Remove oil cooler adaptor as required.
Remove all gasket material from mating surfaces.
Disassembly. Disassemble oil cooler as illustrated in Figure 5-24.
5-55 Oil cooler cleaning, test, inspection, and repair
This operation must be performed in open air or in a well ventilated room when trichloroethylene
or other toxic chemicals are used for cleaning.
Clean oil side of cooler by circulating a solution of trichloroethylene through core passages with a force
pump to remove carbon and sludge.
Clean core before sludge hardens. If oil passages are badly clogged, circulate an alkaline solution through
core and flush thoroughly with clean hot water.
Clean water side of oil cooler core as follows:
Wear eye protection when using strong chemicals.
Add 1/2 pound of oxalic acid to each 2 1/2 gallons of solution composed of 1/3 muriatic acid and 2/3 water.
Immerse cooler core in solution.
Cleaning action is indicated by a bubbling and foaming action.
Watch solution. When bubbling stops (30 to 60 seconds), remove core from solution and flush thoroughly with
clean hot water.