TM 55-1930-209-14&P-21
Section VII. Oil Pan and Oil Pump
Oil Pan. The oil pan is the shallow type, steel construction used as a reservoir for engine lubricating oil.
Oil Pump
The gear driven oil pump is mounted on first and second main bearing caps and is gear driven from front
end of crankshaft.
The oil pump helical gears rotate inside a housing. Drive gear is keyed to drive shaft which is supported
inside housing on two bushings with a driven gear keyed to outer end of shaft. Driven gear is supported on driven gear
shaft which is pressed into pump body.
An integral plunger-type relief valve by-passes excess oil to inlet side of the pump when pressure in oil line
exceeds 105 psi.
An inlet pipe attached to inlet opening in pump body leads to inlet screen which is mounted with brackets to
main bearing cap.
Oil pump removal and disassembly
Remove the oil pan as in para 6-73.
Refer to Figure 6-21 and remove bolts and lockwashers securing oil pump, regulator body, oil outlet tube,
oil inlet tube support, and main bearing cap, from cylinder block.
If shims have been used between oil pump mounting feet and bearing caps, remove and
save these shims for reuse during assembly.
Observe carefully position of oil inlet and outlet pipes during disassembly to facilitate reassembly in same
Remove scavenging pump inlet pipe together with inlet screen, if so equipped, from scavenging pump
Remove oil pump inlet pipe with screen cover and mounting bracket.
Remove oil pressure regulator and oil pump outlet pipe, as an assembly, from pump body.