TM 55-1930-209-14&P-21
Figure 6-27. Piston Assembly.
Upper portion of liner is directly cooled by water surrounding liner. Center portion of liner is cooled by
scavenging air which enters cylinder through 18 equally spaced ports.
Piston and connecting rod removal and disassembly
If a complete overhaul is to be accomplished, do not commence reassembly until cylinder
liner inspection and repair and crankshaft repair has been accomplished.
Remove engine assembly.
Remove cylinder head assembly, (para 6-15).
Remove oil pan.
Remove oil pump.
Use a suitable ridge reamer and remove carbon from upper inner surface of cylinder liners.
Move piston to bottom of its travel and place a cloth on top of piston to collect cuttings.
After reaming is completed, turn crankshaft until piston is at its top of stroke and
carefully remove cloth with cuttings.