TM 55-1930-209-14&P-21
Place lower bearing half in connecting rod cap and lubricate bearing with clean engine oil.
Note identification marks on bearing cap and rod, and assemble cap to rod on same cylinder and
rod as disassembly.
Install oil pump (para 6-20).
Install oil pan.
Install cylinder head (para 6-17).
Install engine assembly.
Cylinder liner removal
Remove engine assembly and mount engine on a suitable overhaul stand.
Remove pistons and connecting rods (para 6-32).
Before removing cylinder liner, perform dimension inspection and hone as necessary as
outlined in para 6-36.
Use liner removal tool and remove cylinder liner.
Slip lower puller clamp up puller rod and off its tapered seat. Cock clamp so it slides down through liner.
Clamp will drop back into its seat in horizontal position after it clears bottom of liner.
Slide upper puller clamp down against top edge of liner.
With tool in place, strike upset head on upper end of puller rod a sharp blow with puller weight, thus
releasing liner.
Remove cylinder liner and remove liner seal ring from groove in block bore.
If removal tool is not available, tap liner out with a hardwood block and hammer.
Cylinder liner cleaning, inspection and repair
Cleaning. Wash cylinder liner with cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly.
Inspection and Repair
Thoroughly inspect cylinder liner for out of round condition, taper, cracks, scoring, flange irregularities, and
Refer to Table 1-1 for liner dimensions and measure the liner at points shown in Figure 6-29. To check
these dimensions, use a bore gage which has a dial indicator calibrated in 0.001 inch increments.