TM 55-1930-209-14&P-21
If taper is out of round and does not exceed limits listed in Table 1-1, hone liner to remove any step or
ridge at top of ring travel and to remove glaze caused by rubbing action of piston rings.
Cleaning solvents are toxic and additional hazard is posed when compressed air is used
to dry off parts cleaned with solvents. This type of maintenance requires the use of
safety goggles and a well-ventilated work area.
Observe all precautions stated on the
container, and never put solvents in unmarked containers.
After liner has been honed, clean liner and cylinder block thoroughly with cleaning solvent and dry with
compressed air.
After honing, liner must conform to same limits on taper and out-of-round as a new liner, and piston-to-liner
clearance must be within specified limits listed in Table 1-1.
Discard and replace seal ring. Replace a defective liner.
Wipe inside and outside of cylinder liner clean. Make sure block bore and counterbore are clean so liner
flange will seat properly.
Slide liner into block until flange on liner rests on bottom of counterbore in block.
Do not drop or slam cylinder liner flange against counterbore in block.
Tap liner lightly with a soft hammer to make sure liner seats in bottom of counterbore.
Clamp cylinder liner in place using a liner clamp. Refer to Table 1-1 and measure distance from top of
liner flange to top of block with a dial indicator.
Matchmark liner and block with chalk, felt tip, or white paint, so liner may be reinstalled in same position
and in same bore. Place matchmark on outer edge of engine serial number side.
Remove hold-down clamp and cylinder liner from block.
Cylinder liner installation
With piston assembled to connecting rod and piston rings in place (para 6-34), apply a clean coat of engine oil to
piston, rings, and inside of piston ring compressor tool.