The areas indicated in these troubleshooting procedures
may be inspected, adjusted or replaced, following the
procedures in this manual, without voiding the warranty.
For specific instructions on adjustments, removal and
replacement, refer to the appropriate sections in this
The information contained in this section provides a
guide for troubleshooting the Sundstrand Heavy Duty
hydrostatic transmissions. It is a problem solving tool
aimed at eliminating unnecessary machine downtime.
Following the fault-logic approach should result in the
expedient correction of transmission problems.
Our experience shows that there are five (5) problem
statements that cover the majority of problems
encountered with these transmissions. These problem
statements have been set up in fault-logic diagrams on
the following pages.
Following the fault-logic diagrams are descriptions of
some of the action steps shown in the diagrams. Where
applicable, a number for this description appears in the
action block of the diagram.
Cleanliness is a primary means of insuring satisfactory
transmission life, on either new or repaired units.
Cleaning parts by using a solvent wash and air drying is
adequate, providing clean solvent is used. As with any
precision equipment, the internal mechanism and
related items must be kept free of foreign materials and
Protect all exposed sealing surfaces and open cavities
from damage and foreign material.
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