The hydraulic fluids used with Sundstrand products
should be carefully selected following the guidelines
presented in the "Hydraulic Fluid Requirements" bulletin,
F-00.01 and in the original equipment manufacturer's
Start Up Procedure
Prior to installing both pump and motor, inspect the units
for damage incurred during shipping and handling.
Make certain all system components (reservoir, hoses,
valves, fittings, heat exchanger, etc.) are clean prior to
filling with-fluid. Fill the reservoir with recommended
hydraulic fluid which should be passed through a 10
micron (nominal no bypass) filter prior to entering the
reservoir. Never reuse fluid.
The inlet line leading from the reservoir to the pump
must be filled prior to start up. Check inlet line for
properly tightened fittings and make sure it is free of
restrictions and air leaks.
Be certain to fill the main pump and motor housing with
clean hydraulic fluid prior to start up by pouring filtered
oil in the uppermost case drain port.
Install a pressure gauge (500 PSI) in the Charge
Pressure Gauge Port (Ref: Troubleshooting Section). It
is recommended the external control linkage be left
disconnected until after initial start up to allow pump to
remain in neutral.
Start the prime mover and run at lowest possible RPM
until charge Pressure has been established. Air can be
bled from the high pressure lines by using the high
pressure gauge ports on the motor manifold.
Do not start prime mover unless
pump is in neutral (0 swashplate
angle). Take safety precautions to
prevent machine movement in case
pump is actuated during initial start
Once charge pressure has been established, increase
speed to normal operating RPM. Charge pressure
should be at 190- 210 PSI minimum. If charge pressure
is not at proper value, shut down and determine cause
(Ref: Troubleshooting Section).
Shut down prime mover and connect external control
linkage. Start prime mover, checking to be certain
pump remains in neutral. With prime mover at normal
operating speed, slowly check for forward and reverse
machine operation.
Take necessary safety precautions
before moving machine.
Charge pressure should remain at 160-180 PSI
minimum during forward or reverse operation. Continue
to cycle slowly from forward to reverse for five (5)
Shut down prime mover, remove gauges and plug ports.
Check reservoir level and add fluid if necessary.
The transmission is now ready for operation.
System Maintenance
For satisfactory service, regular maintenance of fluid
and filters must be performed. The following are
recommended intervals for changing these items.
Sealed Type Reservoir:
2000 hrs.
Air Breathing Type
500 hrs.
Check fluid level daily. Change fluid more often if it
becomes contaminated with any foreign matter (dirt,
water, grease, etc.).
Change inlet filter whenever fluid is changed and
whenever filter indicator shows a change is necessary.
Replace all fluid lost during filter change.
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