MINOR REPAIRS5.If it was necessary to rotate the control handleclockwise to obtain continuity, turn the eccentricadjustment to move the pin down (or toward thepump). If a counterclockwise rotation of thehandle was necessary to obtain continuity,rotate the eccentric to move the pin up (or awayfrom the pump). Only a small amount ofadjustment in either direction is needed tocenter the pin in the internal mechanism camslot.Turn the eccentric a maximum of 14 of a turnwhile frequently stopping to check maximum pindepth into the eccentric collar. In most cases itcan be determined that the pin has engaged inthe slot, either by feel or depth gauge. withinthe first 1/4 turn.6.While holding the eccentric in place, tighteneccentric locknut to 20-35 ft. lbs. Reinstall theswitch as outlined in the Neutral Start Switchreplacement and adjustment portion of thismanual.7.Repeat steps 3 and 4 to determine whetheradditional adjustment of the eccentric isnecessary.If further adjustment is required, continuerotation up to 1,4 additional turn.CAUTIONDo not exceed 1/2 turn total or 1800from the initial pin position. Doingso will turn the eccentric into or outof the housing beyondspecifications.If too much adjustment was made, turn the eccentric 1/8turn in the opposite direction.Again, install the switch and check for continuity.Page 34
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