MINOR REPAIRSControlRemoval1.Thoroughly clean external surfaces with steam orclean solvent and blow dry.2.Remove the nine (9) cap screws (using 7/16"wrench) and swing control away from housing.CAUTIONProtect exposed surfaces and cavitiesfrom damage and foreign material. Usecaution so that the rings and orifice plateremain in place and do not fall into thepump housing.3.Slip the pin on control linkage out of the linkattached to the swashplate and remove control.The area is seated with both a gasket and three (3)O-rings. The Variable Pressure Control does nothave a linkage to disengage.Installation4.In preparation for installing the control, place a newgasket on the housing. Insert the orifice plate andthree (3) O-rings into the control ports.5.Engage the pin on the control linkage in the matinghole in the link attached to the swashplate. Usecaution so that the O-rings and orifice plate remainin place and do not fall into the pump housing.6.Swing the control into place against the pumphousing. Install cap screws and torque to 10-11 ft.lbs.IMPORTANT:If the control being removed or replaced isequipped with a .neutral start switch, accomplish the"Neutral Start Switch Check procedure on page 33 followingcontrol installation.Pressure OverrideRemoval1.If a Pressure Override is mounted on top of theManual Displacement Control, it can be removed bydisconnecting the two (2) hose lines and removingits six (6) cap screws (use 7 16" wrench). Lift thePressure Override from the control. This willexpose the three (3) remaining cap screws whichhold the Standard Displacement Control in place.2.The Pressure Override seals with four (4) O-rings.Protect the exposed surfaces.Installation3.With the four (4) O-rings in place. install thePressure Override on the control valve. Insert thesix (6) cap screws and torque to 10-1I1 ft. lbs.Connect and tighten the two (2) hose fittings.Page 31
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