TM 55-1930-209-14&P-6
3-3.3 Controlling a runaway discharge hose. If a winch runaway situation develops, control runaway as follows:
Barge 1 - Position winch control lever in NEUTRAL.
Barges 2 and 3 - Push disc brake lever to ON.
If this fails to stop runaway, apply band brake as follows:
Open valve SD3.
Obtain BAND BRAKE PUMP HANDLE from stowed position and insert in pump extension.
While pumping, do not exceed 4,000 psi as shown on BAND BRAKE PRESSURE gauge.
Pump until band brake piston enters cylinder, band is tight on the brake drum and stops rotation.
Position valve to neutral position (midway between OPEN and CLOSE position) to lock the cylinder in the
set position.
If band brake begins to smoke, spray it with salt or fresh water to cool brake.
After band brake cools, close valve SD3.
Pump until band brake piston comes out of the cylinder and there is a slight clearance between the band
brake material and brake drum.
Remove pump handle and return to stowed position.
3-3.4 Unpowered discharge hose deployment. If hydraulic power is not operating or electrical power is not available,
deploy discharge hose as follows:
Position valve SD4 (Figure 3-7) to OFF to allow winch hydraulic drive motor to freewheel.
Disconnect hydraulic disc brake hose from disc brake valve and connect to hose reel winch hydraulic brake
release handpump.
Obtain disc brake release pump handle from stowed position and insert into pump extension.
Open pump pressure release valve, located beneath pump handle, by turning it counterclockwise.
Pump until disc brake is released.
Close pump pressure release valve by turning it clockwise.
While external source Is pulling hose from winch reel, use band brake as necessary to control
deployment rate.
Prepare band brake to control winch drum rotation as follows:
Open valve SD3 (Figure 3-8).
Obtain BAND BRAKE PUMP HANDLE from stowed position and insert in pump extension.
While pumping, do not exceed 4,000 psi as shown on BAND BRAKE PRESSURE GAUGE.
As winch drum rotates, operate pump handle to control drum rotation.
When hose is deployed or power becomes available, return winch to normal powered operation as follows:
For normal powered operation of winch, valve SD4 must be fully closed (ON), disc brake
pressure release valve must be closed (ON), and brake hose must be connected to brake valve.