TM 55-1930-209-14&P-6
Startup winch as follows:
Hydraulic power unit can also be started by pressing START button on hydraulic unit remote
control switch located on stem weatherdeck bulkhead portside.
Push green START button on hydraulic power unit control panel or on hydraulic unit remote control switch
(Figure 3-3). If motor does not start, troubleshoot as given in paragraph 4-10.1.
If system has not been operated for several days, allow hydraulic oil to circulate at low pressure to remove
entrapped air.
Barge 1 - Allow pumps to run with winch control and levelwind control levers In neutral
Barges 2 and 3 - Allow pumps to run with disc brake control OFF and winch and levelwind
control In neutral.
Check for oil leaks and tighten fittings if necessary.
Make sure charge pump pressure gauge on hydraulic power unit reads 250 psi.
On Barge 1, levelwind is used during deployment and retrieval. Cn Barges 2 and 3, levelwind Is
allowed to freewheel during deployment.
On Barges 2 and 3, turn valve SD5 ON (Figure 3-9).
Release band brake as follows:
Close valve SD3 (Figure 3-8).
Obtain BAND BRAKE PUMP HANDLE from stowed position and insert in pump extension.
While pumping, do not exceed 4,000 psi as shown on BAND BRAKE PRESSURE GAUGE.
Pump until band brake piston comes out of the cylinder and there is a slight clearance between the ban
brake lining and brake drum.
Remove pump handle and return to stowed position.
Connect washdown hose to washdown connection on deckhouse top. While retrieving discharge hose, wash
mud and other foreign materials from hose.
As hose is retrieved, remove marker buoys and lines and stow in ROWPU space aft stowage area.
As each layer of hose comes on the reel, make sure transition to the next layer is smooth. If
necessary, operate LEVELWIND control lever to gently form the first coil of the next layer.
Start retrieving hose by using winch control lever. Operate LEVELWIND control lever to form first layer of hose
on drum. If necessary, operate LEVELWIND control lever to gently form the first coil of the second layer.
Then operate lever as needed to form remaining layers. On Barges 2 and 3, also operate disc brake lever when
When the discharge hose is completely retrieved, tie hose end cap to barge.
Push red STOP button on hydraulic power unit to stop unit, or on hydraulic unit remote control switch.
Open switchboard circuit breaker P12.