TM 55-1930-209-14&P-6
Release brake line pressure by turning pressure release screw on hose reel winch hydraulic brake.
release handpump counterclockwise. Disc brake will be automatically set.
Position valve SD4 to ON (Figure 3-7).
Disconnect hydraulic disc brake hose from hose reel winch hydraulic brake release handpump and connect
hose to disc brake valve.
Return disc brake release pump handle to stowed position.
Set band brake as follows:
Open valve SD3 (Figure 3-8).
While pumping, do not exceed 4,000 psi as shown on BAND BRAKE PRESSURE GAUGE.
Pump until band brake piston enters cylinder and band brake is tight on the brake drum.
Position valve SD3 in neutral position (midway between OPEN and CLOSE position) to lock the
cylinder in the set position.
Remove pump handle and return to stowed position.
3-4 Discharging drinking water to shore. When discharge hose has been deployed and shore receiving station is
ready to receive drinking water, perform the following:
Open valve at shore receiving facility.
Open shore discharge valve SD1 and SD2 (Figure 3-6).
Make sure drinking water system is ready to discharge drinking water to shore, then start drinking water
discharge pump.
While drinking water is being discharged to shore, perform during operation checks and services in Chapter 2,
TM 55-1930-209-14&P-19.
3-5 Shutdown procedures. When shutting down shore discharge operation, coordinate hose retrieval with shore
receiving station. First, blow out drinking water from hose (paragraph 3-5.1). Then, retrieve hose and secure winch
(paragraph 3-5.2).
Make sure good communications between barge and shore facility have been established to
coordinate discharge hose retrieval.
3-5.1 Discharge hose pigging (hose blowout)
Discharge hose must be emptied of Its water before retrieving hose. Removing water reduces
weight of hose, making it easier to retrieve.
On barge, close valves SD1 and SD2 (Figure 3-6).
On shore, perform the following:
Close valve at shore facility.
Disconnect hose flange from shore facility flange.
Connect PIG receiver to hose flange.