Subject: Compressor Lubricating Oil
The lubricating oil used in new compressor units shipped from the factory is a premium quality non-detergent industrial
lubricating oil containing rust and oxidation inhibitors. This type of oil is generally recommended for air compressor
service by the oil companies, has good water separating ability and is resistant to sludging.
The following list of specific brand name oils represents the lubrication recommendations for this reciprocating
compressor. These have the viscosity equivalent of a SAE Grade 20 W motor oil.
American Oil Company
Amoco Industrial Oil No. 31
Amokon No. 35
Clark Oil and Chemical Co. - Co Chem No. 228
Continental Oil Co. - Conoco Dectol Medium
Exxon Company
Teresstic 52
Esstic 50
Nuto 53
Gulf Oil Corp. - Gulf Harmony Oil 61
Phillips Petroleum Co. - Baltic Grade-315
Texaco, Inc. -Regal Oil R & O No. 68
The oils listed above will operate satisfactorily for ambient temperature ranges between 20o and 90oF. This range should
be appropriate for most installations. Applications where the ambient temperature is consistently above 90oF. should use
the next higher viscosity oil in these same lubrication oil families.
Of the synthetic lubricants, the three types most commonly used today are the phosphate ester base, diester base and
fluorosilicones. Synthetic oil of the phosphate ester base has been tested and found to be unsatisfactory. It caused
premature wearing of the load bearing components. No recommendation can be made on the diester base or
fluorosilicone synthetic oils because these have not been tested as of this date.
WARNING: Use of synthetic lubricants may cause failure in down-stream
components and result in safety hazards. Check with manufacturer of lubricant
and downstream component.
Form No. 776.3140 Rev. 878