TM 55-1930-209-14&P-7
Table 4-1. Troubleshooting Procedures for Compressed Air System
Possible Cause
Suggested Action
1. No air pressure or
a. Air station valve closed
a. Open air station valve
low air pressure
at air station
(Chapter 3,
Section III)
b. Main supply valve closed
b. Open main supply valve
c. Air filter 1 or 2 clogged
c. Drain, clean and/or replace filter
d. Pipe leaks or blockages
d. Check pipes, listen for hissing
sound of compressed air escaping.
Repair or replace as necessary
e. Compressor/receiver
e. Troubleshoot
not producing air
compressor/receiver by following
manufacturer's troubleshooting
2. No air pressure or
a. Seawater valves SW30
a. Close valves for seachest
low air pressure for
and/or SW44 not in
blowdown as specified in
seachest blowdown
proper position
TM 55-1930-209-14&P-2
(Chapter 3,
Section III)
b. Main supply valve closed
b. Open main supply valve
c. Air pressure regulator 1
c. Make sure it is set
or 2 not properly set
for 40 psi for seachest blowdown.
Reset if necessary.
d. Air filter 1 clogged
d. Drain, clean and/or replace filter
e. Pipe leaks or blockages
e. Check pipes, listen for hissing
sound of compressed air escaping.
Repair or replace as necessary
f. Other air station
f. Make sure all other
valves open or leaking
air station valves are closed and
not leaking
g. Compressor/receiver not
g. Troubleshoot compressor/receiver
functioning properly
by following manufacturers'
troubleshooting procedures