TM 55-1930-209-14&P-74-5.2.2 Replacementa.Shut the compressor system down following the procedure in paragraph 3-8.2.b.Redtag power panel 1 circuit breaker 3P5 indicating, "WARNING DO NOT ACTIVATE REPAIRS BEING MADE."c.Disconnect the union nearest the filter 1 and then disconnect the air lines from the filter 1.d.Connect air lines to the new filter making certain the air flow is in the direction of the arrow on the new regulator.Reconnect the union. Use pipe tape on threads to prevent leaks.e.Start compressor system by following procedures in paragraph 3-2.1 and check for leaks.4-5.3Air filter 24-5.3.1 Repair.If air station 6 fails air quality check required in paragraph 3-6a and for semiannual maintenanceservices, perform these procedures.a.Shut down air compressor system by following procedures in paragraph 3-8.2.b.Redtag power panel 1 circuit breaker 3P5 indicating, "WARNINGDO NOTACTIVATE REPAIRS BEING MADE."c.Without using a wrench, manually unscrew bowl ring nut attaching metal bowl to filter head (Figure 4-3). Removebowl ring nut, metal bowl and bowl O-ring.d.Unscrew hex nut and remove rod O-ring gasket, filter element and gasket O-ring. Rod/element screw shouldremain attached to filter head. If rod/element screw unscrews from filter head, screw it back into filter head.e.Replace filter element (CAGEC 31408, P/N CKF-507). If gasket O-ring, and rod O-ring gasket are worn ordamaged, replace them.f.Place gasket O-ring on top of new filter element and slide element over rod/element screw. Hold in place by handand install rod O-ring gasket over rod/element screw. Screw on hex nut. Before tightening nut, check that filterelement is squarely set against filter head. Then tighten hex nut hand tight.g.Clean metal bowl with warm soapy water, rinse, and dry with lint-free cloth NOTE Bowl O-ring must be replaceddry, without any silicone lubricant.h.Replace bowl O-ring, If damaged or worn.i.Carefully install bowl O-ring and metal bowl. Hold in place by hand and screw bowl ring nut onto threads on filterhead. Make sure O-ring is properly seated and then tighten hand-tight.j.Remove red tag from power panel 1 circuit breaker 3P5.k.Start air compressor system by following procedures in paragraph 3-2.1.I.Record completion of this maintenance item in log book.4-6
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