TM 55-1930-20-14&P-8
5-1 Short-term storage. If barge is taken out of service for more than 7 days, but less than 30 days, follow shutdown
procedures in steps a and b below. Inspect for damage, corrosion, and pilferage.
Valve numbers are the same as callouts in Figure 3-4.
a. Stop fuel transfer pump and open (OFF) fuel pump circuit breaker 2P5 on power panel 1 on ROWPU space port
b. Make sure FO10, FO19, F020, FO28, and FO29 are closed.
5-2 Administrative storage. If barge is taken out of service for more than 30 days, but less than 6 months, barge
remains a unit responsibility and shall be maintained by unit personnel. Perform periodic inspections and services as
outlined in Appendix C.
5-2.1 If not used in administrative storage, fuel oil system will be processed as specified in steps a thru i below and
inspected as specified in paragraph 5-2.2.
Valve numbers are the same as callouts in Figure 3-4.
a. Perform after operation preventive maintenance checks in Appendix C.
b. Open (OFF) fuel pump circuit breaker 2P5 on power panel 1 on ROWPU space port bulkhead.
c. Perform the following when authorized by Bargemaster:
(1) Drain both storage tanks and day tank.
(2) Drain all piping by opening lines at lowest point. Be sure to provide drain pans where necessary before
opening line.
(3) Cap off port storage tank, starboard storage tank, and day tank vents.
d. Remove fuel filter element and discard. Wipe filter clean and install new filter element.
e. Lubricate fuel transfer pump in accordance with page 7, Section TSM000 of Technical Service Manual, found in
Appendix B of this TM.
f. Clean fuel transfer pump's painted metal surfaces with a clean, lint-free cloth moistened with cleaning solvent (P-
D-600, Type II). Scrub off hard deposits with a bristle brush dipped in solvent. Dry surfaces with a clean, lint-free
g. Clean fuel storage tank and day tank liquid level indicators with a clean, lint-free cloth.
h. Thoroughly clean all other external surfaces to remove any corrosion or other foreign matter. Remove any
corrosion by wire brushing or sanding. Clean all surfaces except electrical parts with soapy water and stiff bristle
brush, then flush with clean water. Clean fuel transfer pump motor starter by wiping with a clean cloth moistened
with silicone spray lubricant, or similar substance.
i. Touch up paint as necessary to prevent further corrosion; match surrounding areas in accordance with TB 43-
0144. Do not paint threads or label plates.