TM 55-1930-209-14&P-8
d. When replacing electrical components, exercise care when making soldered or crimped connections. Check all
grounding. Check that all current-carrying components are properly insulated to avoid a short circuit. Check for abrasion
and chafing of insulation on all wires and cables. Repair with tape or replace as necessary.
Be sure electric power is shut off when performing maintenance. Observe all safety precautions
specified in this TM and in manufacturers' manuals/instructions.
Figure 4-2. Replacement of Crimped Terminals
(1) Strip cable insulation equal to depth of terminal well.
(2) Slide insulator, if used, over cable.
(3) Insert cable into terminal well and crimp.
(4) Slide insulator, if used, over crimped end of terminal.
e. When replacing bearings, follow procedures in TM 9-214. Lubricate bearings with recommended lubricant. When
installing bearings on shafts, apply pressure to inner race. When installing bearings in housing, apply pressure to
outer race.
f. Weld in accordance with TM 9-237. Welding can be used to repair cracks and breaks in steel parts such as
bracket, panels, and light framework. Weld only when replacement parts are not available because of a chance
of failure later.
4-7 Fuel oil system
4-7.1 Fuel transfer pump adjustment
Be sure electrical power is shut off before performing maintenance on fuel transfer pump.
a. OPEN (OFF) power panel 1 circuit breaker 2P5. Redtag circuit breaker with: 'WARNING - DO NOT ACTIVATE -
REPAIRS BEING MADE." Be sure pump is cool before starting repair.
b. Adjust fuel transfer pump end clearance in accordance with page 6, Section TS 312 of General Purpose Pumps
Manual in Appendix B.