TM 55-1930-209-14&P-8
4-7.2 Repair
Refer to Figure 2 on page 1, and Figure 7 on page 3, in Section TSM000 of Technical Service
Manual in Appendix B when repairing fuel transfer pump.
a. Open (OFF) power panel 1 circuit breaker 2P5 for fuel oil transfer pump. Redtag circuit breaker with "WARNING
b. Close valves F021, FO22, and F030 . (Note: Valve FO30 installed on Barges 2 and 3 only.)
c. Place container under piping and disconnect piping.
d. Unscrew mounting bolts and remove pump.
e. Disassemble, repair, and reassemble pump as given in Manufacturers' instructions referenced above. Repair
parts (head gasket, idler bushing, casing bushing, mechanical seal on idler pin) are listed in TM 55-1930-20-14&
P-1 8.
f. Install pump assembly and tighten mounting bolts.
g. Connect piping.
h. Check alignment as given in manufacturer's service instructions referenced above.
i. Remove red tag and close fuel pump circuit breaker 2P5 on power panel 1.
j. Start up and check that pump operates satisfactorily.
k. Record this replacement in maintenance logbook.
47.3 Fuel filter element replacement. Unscrew filter and discard element. Wipe filter clean and install new filter
4-7.4 Valve replacement. Replace or repack worn or damaged valves in accordance with TM 55-503.
4-7.5 Liquid level indicator
a. Removal
(1) Empty fuel tank as given in paragraph 3-3.7.
(2) Tag and disconnect wires.
(3) Disconnect two piping unions connecting liquid level indicator.
(4) Remove liquid level indicator.
b. Disassembly and repair
(1) Unclamp transmitter which includes switches.
(2) Unclamp flag channel assembly from casing.
(3) Remove top and bottom end caps and remove float assembly from inside of casing.
(4) Wipe clean flag channel assembly.
(5) Reinstall new ROLI transmitter, visual flag channel assembly and switches as necessary. Orient parts as
shown in Transamerica Delavel Drawing No. 87707 in Appendix B.
c. Installation
(1) Install liquid level indicator with two unions to tank.
(2) Connect wires tagged previously.