TM 10-4320-317-13
Add the indicator solution to the cell in the LEFT (5, Figure 2-31) opening only. (Water sample without
indicator solution in right opening compensates for color and turbidity.)
Hold the comparator (2) to your eye and face a good light source (daylight but not the direct rays of the sun or
artificial light reflected from a white surface). Be sure your fingers do not cover the light window in the back of
the comparator. Rotate the pH color disc until a color on the disc matches the color of the cell in the left
opening. The readings can be made directly from the round window in the front of the comparator. The value
is expressed as the pH number.
If the color of the cell in the left opening is between two colors on the pH color disc, the value must be
In making the pH test, be careful to avoid touching the sample or the cell with the dropper. Never place the pH
dropper on a laboratory bench or other surface because the adherence of the slightest amount of acid or alkali
to it will produce erroneous results.
When test has been completed, empty the samples and wash the cells with dean water.
2-14. Operation of Auxiliary Equipment. Not applicable.
2-15. Preparation for Movement. Perform the following:
a. General.
Preparing TWDS for movement requires the following:
Removing water from system.
Shutting down and disassembling major components.
Repacking major components.
Remove water at the lead pumping station first, then move down the line to the last boost pumping station.
After hoseline water has been removed, empty storage tanks and begin to disassemble major components.
To begin emptying hoseline, shut down lead pump (refer to applicable pumping assembly technical manual).
Close butterfly valves on suction and discharge ports of lead pump. Continue to run downline boost pumping
Allow first boost pump to operate until suction pressure falls to 20 psi (68.9 kPa). At that time, shut down the
pump (refer to applicable pumping assembly technical manual). Isolate pump assembly from hoseline by
opening butterfly valve on bypass system and closing butterfly valves on suction and discharge hoses. Repeat
procedure with each downline pump.
b. Evacuate and Disassemble 10-Mile Hoseline Segment.
Evacuating hoseline begins at lead pumping station and proceeds downline.
Remove 6-inch boltless coupling (para. 2-8.c.) connecting end of hoseline segment to next downline hose
segment (or swivel joint).
Separate two hoseline segments (or hoseline segment and swivel joint).