TM 10-4610-215-24
TM 08580A-24/2
(8) Place a large-blade screwdriver in slot on fan end of motor shaft to brace shaft. Using a strap
wrench, screw impeller (6) onto shaft of motor (16).
(9) Slip fan cover (5) on motor (16) and align mounting holes.
(10) Install three screws (4) through fan cover (5) and motor (16).
(11) Hold suction cover (2) and new gasket (3) in place on pump casing (12) and align mounting holes.
(12) Install four bolts (1) through suction cover (2) and pump casing (12).
(13) Tighten bolt evenly and torque to 19±2 ft. lbs. to prevent water leakage.
a. General. This paragraph describes the disassembly, cleaning, inspection, repair, and reassembly of the
backwash pump.
b. Disassembly. (Figure 3-37)
Weight of backwash pump is 195 pounds (88 kg). Attempting to
move it without proper equipment could cause serious injury. Lift
motor with equipment rated at one ton (0.91 tonne) or greater.
(1) If necessary, see paragraph 2-41 to remove backwash pump from frame.
Objects blown by compressed air can cause serious eye injury.
Always wear protective goggles when using compressed air.
(2) Before moving pump into work area, blow dirt off pump frame and adapter.
Drycleaning solvent Fed. Spec. P-D-680 is potentially
dangerous. Avoid repeated and prolonged breathing of vapors
and skin contact. Do not use near open flame, arcing equipment
or other ignition sources. Always wear protective clothing and