TM 10-4610-232-12
Place load boards under landing gear, lower landing gear and unhook trailer from tractor (refer to TM 9-2330-358-14).
Adjust landing gear so that front of trailer is one-half (1/2) bubble lower than back of trailer.
Unzip cover (1, Figure 2-24, sheet 1) on high pressure pump assembly (2) (raw water side) just enough to gain access to
straps (3) holding generator ladder (4). Secure cover (1) using straps to prevent damage to zipper.
Loosen straps (3) holding ladder (4).
Disconnect snap ring (5) and using rope (6), slowly lower the generator ladder to the ground.
Use the generator ladder to gain access to high pressure pump assembly. Loosen straps (7) and remove the hand rails
(8) and place on ground.
Loosen 3 inch straps (9) which secure high pressure pump assembly to the trailer.
One crewmember climbs generator ladder, opens and secures door and enters van on raw water side. Two remaining
crewmembers stay on ground.
Crewmember in van unstraps tie-down straps (two straps #10 (Model WTA-060) Figure 2-24, Sheet 2) or (straps #2 and
#3 (Model ROWPU-I), Figure 2-24, Sheet 2.1) on the raw water pump (10) and hands electrical cable (11) to outside
Crewmember in van removes bag (12) from around chain hoist.
Figure 2-24. Unloading the ROWPU (Sheet 1 of 3)
The chain hoist is wrapped in a canvas bag and tied during movement. When not in use, the
chain hoist is placed in bag and hung on hook under face shield.
2-52 Change 12