TM 10-4610-232-12
Move 5 gallon jug (23) close to door; it remains in van.
Remove two NBC operation hoses (23A), NBC drain hose (23B), and funnel tubing (23C.)
On Model WTA-060, remove two straps #14 (Figure 2-24, Sheet 2) and remove two cyclone separators (24).
On Model ROWPU-1, remove two straps #7 (Figure 2-24, Sheet 2.1) and remove one cyclone separator (24).
On Model WTA-060, remove two straps #10 (Figure 2-24, Sheet 3). On Model ROWPU-1, remove two straps #3.
Remove the following hoses.
On Model WTA-060, two raw water pump discharge to separator hoses (25). On Model ROWPU-1, one raw
water pump discharge to separator hose (25).
Two 2 in. diameter distribution pump suction hoses (26).
Five 10 ft. product to storage hoses (27).
Two 3 in. diameter distribution pump suction hoses (28).
Ten raw water suction hoses (29).
Raw water and distribution pump drain hoses (30).
Two sump drain hoses with fittings (30A).
Two sump drain hoses without fittings (30B).
On Model ROWPU-1, one cyclone separator drain hose (30C). ON Model WTA-060, two cyclone separator
drain hoses (30C).
Remove the following couplings and accessories.
Priming pitcher (31).
Product out adapter and product shut-off valve (32).
Storage tank special tee (33).
Distribution pump discharge pipe section (34).
Raw water feed pipe section (35).
Raw water system pipe section (35A).
Prime assist pump (36).
Funnel (36A).
Separator out pipe section (36).
Waste out pipe section (36C).
On Model ROWPU-1, remove strap #3 and strap #4 (Figure 2-24, Sheet 3). On Model WTA-060, remove strap #11
and strap #12.
Each storage tank weighs 130 lbs. (59 kg). Three people are required to carry each tank.
Remove two storage tanks (37).
Remove anchor (38), anchor rope (39), stool (40). Set stool aside.
Remove distribution pump (41) as follows:
Attach chain hoist to eyebolt (1, Figure 2-26).
Attach chain hoist to distribution pump eyebolt (2).
Use hoist to lift pump and guide it out of door.
Install the second access ladder and hand rails on distribution side of van.
On Model WTA-060, remove two straps #13 (Figure 2-24, Sheet 2). On Model ROWPU-1, remove two straps #6
(Figure 2-24, Sheet 2.1)
Hoses may be damaged if rolled or thrown from unit.
Remove the following:
Strainer assembly (42).
Two dispensing hoses with nozzles (43).
60 ft. auxiliary fill hose (44).
Six waste out hoses (45).
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