TM 10-4610-232-34
e. Remove saddles (8)
f. Repeat steps b through e for remaining upper vessel.
g. Remove eight nuts (9), eight Iockwashers (10), sixteen washers (1 1 ) and eight capscrews (12) securing the two
upper RO vessel brackets (13) to vertical brackets (14).
Remove vessel closest to the center of the trailer first.
h. Repeat steps b through e and g for lower RO vessels and lower brackets (1 5).
a. Remove preformed packing (1, Figure 2-64).
Nut has left hand threads.
b. Remove nut (2) by turning clockwise.
c. Remove preformed packing (4) from port permeator (3).
d. Remove sealing plate (5) from feed port (6).
e. Remove preformed packing (7) from sealing plate (5).
f. Remove retainer rings (8) and pull feed port (6) through bearing plate (9).
a. Repair of RO vessels is limited to replacement of any worn or damaged components.
b. Replace preformed packings.
Figure 2-64. RO Vessel Head