TM 10-4610-232-34
Table 2-1. Direct Support Troubleshooting Guide (Continued)
Step 5. Check connectors J/P63 (REF: Interconnection diagram FO-2, Sheet 16) and J/P69 for loose pins and for
signs of arcing.
Replace/repair any connector that shows damage (para. 2-18 and 2-68).
Return ROWPU to operation after above checks and repairs.
Step 6. Shutdown the ROWPU. Open the control panel and then power up the panel. Open circuit breakers CB6 and
CB5 (REF: Interconnection diagram FO-2, Sheet 10). Start the raw water pump and the booster pump (the
booster pump will not actually start, but its starter will pull in as if it started). Watch the indicating plunger on
MS7 (REF: Interconnection diagram FO-2, Sheet 10) and relay K2 (REF: Interconnection diagram FO-2,
Sheet 6). The plunger on K2 should be out and MS7 should pull in when the booster pump is started.
(a) If the plunger on relay K2 is in, refer to operating mode circuit troubleshooting (control circuits
malfunction 2).
(b) If MS7 does not pull in, refer to booster pump troubleshooting (malfunction 1).
Step 7. Shut down ROWPU and generator. Refer to electrical drawings in Appendix D and check continuity,
point-to-point, from PB3(2B2) to PB14(1A3) (REF: Interconnection diagram FO-2, Sheet 11). Push in the
indicating plunger on MS7 and push in PB14 when checking across their contacts.
(a) Repair any loose or damaged wire (para. 2-20).
(b) Replace relay K2 if its contact is open (para. 2-23).
(c) Repair starter MS7 if its contact does not close (para. 2-25),
(d) Replace PB13 (REF: Interconnection diagram FO-2, Sheet 11) or PB14 if their contacts do not close
(para. 2-22).
Step 8. Shutdown ROWPU and generator. Refer to electrical drawings in Appendix D and remove the #257 wire from
the MSD8-1S (REF: Interconnection diagram FO-2, Sheet 10) contactor coil. Check continuity, point-to-
point, from PB14(1A3) to MS8-1S (wire #257).
(a) Repair any loose or damaged wire (para. 2-20).
(b) Replace the MS8-26 auxiliary contact if it is open (para. 2-25),
(c) Replace the MS8-2M auxiliary contact if it is open (para. 2-25).
Step 9. Check continuity, point-to-point, from transformer T1(X2) to MS8-1S coil. Use a multimeter set to Ohms x 1
and check continuity across MS8-1S coil terminals. It should be zero or near zero.
(a) Repair any loose or damaged wire (para. 2-20).
(b) Replace the MS8-16 coil if it is open (para. 2-25).
Step 10. Remove wire #258 from the MS8-1M coil, wire #258 from ETM2, and wire #262 from PL11. Check continuity,
point-to-point, from PB14(1A3) to MS8-1M (wire #258). Manually engage contactor MS8-1S when checking
across its contact.
(a) Repair any loose or damaged wire (para. 2-20).
(b) Replace the MS8-1S auxiliary contact if it does not close when contactor MS8-1S is manually
engaged (para. 2-25).
Step 11. Check continuity, point-to-point, from transformer T1(X2) to MS8-1M coil. Use a multimeter set to Ohms x 1
and check continuity across MS8-1M coil terminals. It should be zero or near zero.
(a) Repair any loose or damaged wire (para. 2-20).
(b) Replace the MS8-1M coil if it is open (para. 2-25).
Step 12. Check continuity from MS8-1S auxiliary contact wire #258 to MS8-1M auxiliary timer contact wire #258.
Repair any loose or damaged wire (para. 2-20).
Step 13. Remove wire #260 from MS8-2M contactor coil. Remove wire #261 from MS8-2S contactor coil. Check
continuity, point-to-point, from MS8-1M auxiliary timer contact (wire (#259) to MS8-2M (wire #260) and from
MS8-1M auxiliary timer contact (wire #259) to MS8-2S (wire #261 ).
(a) Repair any loose or damaged wire (para. 2-20).
(b) Replace the MS8-1S auxiliary contact if open (para. 2-25).
(c) Replace the MS8-2M auxiliary contact if open (para. 2-25).
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