TM 10-4610-239-10
TM 08580B-10/1
Source water must be free of chlorine.
RAW WATER SOURCE (1). Any place you can get water.
STRAINER (2). A screen on the end of a suction hose to keep leaves, plants, stones, fish, and dirt out of the
pumps and filters of the ROWPU.
RAW WATER PUMPS (3) (4). Draw water from source and pump it into ROWPU under pressure.
POLYMER FEED PUMP (5). Adds polymer (polyelectrolyte) solution to raw water to collect small pieces of
floating solid matter into groups large enough to be removed by the multimedia filters.
SODIUM HEX FEED PUMP (6). Feeds diluted sodium hex (sodium hexametaphosphate) to raw water to
prevent scaling.
MULTIMEDIA FILTER (7). First stage of filtering for raw water.
BOOSTER PUMP (8). Forces filtered water from multimedia filter through the cartridge filter.
CARTRIDGE FILTER (9). Perform additional filtering of very small particles from water coming out of
multimedia filter.
R.O. PUMP (10). Forces filtered water under high pressure through R.O. elements.
PULSE DAMPENER (11). A ball-shaped metal tank used to reduce pulses in water flow caused by pistons
of R.O. pump.
R.O. ELEMENTS (12). Rolls of thin films that separate dissolved solids from the raw filtered water.
CHLORINE FEED PUMP (13). Adds chlorine to product water to kill bacteria to make water in tanks
PRODUCT WATER TANKS (14). Storage containers for product (drinkable) water.
DISTRIBUTION PUMP (15). Pumps drinkable water from product water tank into the water-carrying vehicle
or container.
DISTRIBUTION NOZZLE (16). Used for filling users container with drinkable water coming from product
water tanks by way of the distribution pump.
CITRIC ACID FEED PUMP (17). Adds diluted citric acid (tricarboxylic) to filtered water to maintain the
desired pH for the R.O. process to take place.
BACKWASH WATER TANK (18). Stores brine water used for flushing the multimedia filter.
BACKWASH PUMP (19). Pumps brine water backwards from backwash tank through the multimedia filter to
flush out accumulated dirt. Recirculates citric acid solution through the R.O. elements to clean them.
1-19/(1-20 blank)