TM 1-4610-239-10
TM 08580B-10/1
The leveling jacks must be in the stowed position (horizontal position) when towing or shipping the
ROWPU by truck or rail.
LEVELING JACKS. (Army) The leveling jacks are secured by a swivel assembly to a movable support bracket
located under the deck of the trailer at each corner. The swivel assembly contains a spring-loaded mounting assembly
(Model No. 0996109001 ) which can lock the assembly in either the vertical or the horizontal position. In the vertical
position, the jacks are used to level the trailer by raising or lowering the trailer corners as necessary. In the horizontal
position the jacks are stowed. The front jacks, when locked in the vertical position, can also be used to assist in
uncoupling the trailer from the towing vehicle. Turning the crank counterclockwise raises the jackpad; turning the crank
clockwise lowers the jackpad.
SPARE WHEEL AND TIRE CARRIER ASSEMBLY. (Army) The spare wheel and tire carrier has a manually
operated, cable-driven winch mounted on the frame structure at the rear end and underside of the trailer. The two wheel
lug nuts installed on the carrier are the same as those on the towing vehicle, thereby enabling the use of the towing
vehicles lug wrench for removal or replacement of the spare wheel tire assembly.
WATER METER. The water meter is located on the floor of the frame directly behind the booster pump as shown
in fig. 2-3. This meter is used to indicate the total number of gallons, in tenths of a gallon, of product water the unit has
produced. The number of gallons is read directly from the numerals in the small window and the tenths of gallons from the
position of the needle on the dial face.
CONTROL PANEL. The control panel consists of various gages, valves, lights, switches, and hose connections
as shown in fig. 2-4, sheet 1. Their functions are described in Table 2-1 (Keys 1 through 23 and 53).
CONTROL BOX. The control box consists of the pump control switches and indicator lamps as shown in fig. 2-4,
sheet 2. Their functions are described in Table 2-1 (Keys 24 through 43).
CIRCUIT BREAKER PANEL. The circuit breaker panel is located in the junction box and consists of circuit
breakers for the pumps, utility outlets and backwash timer as shown in fig. 2-4, sheet 3. Their functions are described in
Table 2-1 (Keys 44 through 52).