TM 10-4610-241-10
TO 40W4-13-41
Remove the high pressure hose (3) from the end of the pump by turning fitting counterclockwise while
holding collar (figure 2-76a).
Remove the low pressure hose (4) by separating the quick disconnect fitting (figure 2-76a)
Disconnect drain line (5) from fitting (figure 2-76a).
With both hoses out of the way, operate the jog switch (figure 2-76) momentarily (2-3 seconds max) two
times. This removes excess water and places all Of the pistons in a top dead position (43, figure 2-5).
Reconnect the high pressure hose (3) and low pressure hose (4).
Reposition pump cover (2) and secure with screws (1).
Shut Off Electrical Power.
Ensure all circuit breakers (CB-1 through CB-9) (figure 2-5) in distribution panel are off (down),
(Models WPES-10 and H-9518-1) Shutdown generator set (TM 5-6115-465-12).
(Models WPES-20 and H-9518-2) Shutdown power source and disconnect power cables from junction box
receptacles J-l and J-10. Install caps on receptacles (figure 2-44).
2-138 Change 2
Figure 2-76a. Draining of R.O. Pump
(Models H-9518-1, H-9519-2, and H-9518-3)