TM 10-4610-241-10
TO 40W4-13-41
T I R E A N D W H E E L A S S E M B L Y S E R V I C I N G ( M O D E L S W P E S - 1 0
AND H-9518-1) - cont.
Install tire and wheel on hub (Refer to Figure 3-14)
Tire and wheel weighs about 122 pounds (55.39 kg). To prevent injury to personnel and
damage to the equipment, use two people to lift spare tire and wheel onto hub.
To prevent damage to hub, do not drag wheel across threads of studs.
While alining mounting holes in tire and wheel (12) with studs (11), position wheel on hub (13).
Lugnuts on left side of trailer (roadside) have left hand threads. Lugnuts on right side of
trailer (curbside) have right hand threads. Lugnuts and studs are marked to aid
Screw six lugnuts (3 through 8) onto studs (11) until finger tight.
Using lugnut wrench, tighten lugnuts (3 through 8) until snug.
Leveling jacks should he raised at the same time and at the same speed.
If front tire and wheel (I) has been changed, raise both front leveling jack (9) until front tires are
firmly on ground (figure 2-18).
If rear tire and wheel (2) is has been changed, raise both rear leveling jacks (10) until rear tires are
firmly on ground (figure 2-18).
Using lugnut wrench, tighten lugnuts (3 through 8) in cross pattern (sequence 3, 8, 7, 4, 5, and 6).
3-48 Change 2