TM 10-4610-241-10
TO 40W4-13-41
Terms "ready/available" and "mission capable" refer to same status: Equipment is on hand and
ready to perform its combat missions. (See DA Pam 738-750)
e. The "EQUIPMENT IS NOT READY/AVAILABLE IF:" column in Table 2-2 tells you when your ROWPU is
nonmission capable and why the ROWPU cannot be used.
f. If the ROWPU does not perform as required, refer to Chapter 3, Section II, Troubleshooting.
g. If anything looks wrong and you can't fix it, write it on your DA Form 2404. IMMEDIATELY, report it to your
h When you do your PMCS, you will always need a rag or two. Following are checks that are common to the
entire ROWPU:
(1) Keep It Clean. Dirt, grease, oil, and debris only get in the way and may cover up a serious problem.
Clean as you work and as needed.
(2) Rust and Corrosion. Check ROWPU body and frame for rust and corrosion. If any bare metal or
corrosion exists, clean, and apply a thin coat of oil. Report it to your supervisor.
(3) Bolts, Nuts, and Screws. Check them all for obvious looseness, missing, bent, or broken condition. You
can't try them all with a tool, but look for chipped paint, bare metal, or rust around bolt heads. If you find a bolt, nut, or
screw you think is loose, tighten it or report it to your supervisor.
(4) Welds. Look for loose or chipped paint, rust, or gaps where parts are welded together. If you find a bad
weld, report it to your supervisor.
(5) Electric Wires and Connectors. Look for cracked, frayed. or broken insulation, bare wires, and loose or
broken connectors. Tighten loose connectors. Report any damaged wires to your supervisor.
(6) Hoses and Fluid Lines. Look for wear, damage, and leaks, and make sure clamps and fittings are tight.
Wet spots show leaks, but a stain around a fitting or connector can also mean a leak. If a leak comes from a loose fitting
or connector, tighten it If something is broken or worn out, report it to your supervisor.
i. When you check for "operating condition," you look at the component to see if it's serviceable.
DO NOT use diesel fuel, gasoline, or benzene (benzol) for cleaning.
DO NOT SMOKE when using cleaning solvent. NEVER USE IT NEAR AN OPEN FLAME. Be sure
there is a fire extinguisher nearby and use cleaning solvent only in well-ventilated places. Flash
point of solvent is 138°F (600C).
USE CAUTION when using cleaning solvents. Cleaning solvents evaporate quickly and can irritate
exposed skin if solvents contact skin. In cold weather, contact of exposed skin with cleaning
solvents can cause frostbite.