TM 10-4610-246-13
To ensure that the hypochlorination unit is ready for operation at all times, it must be inspected within designated intervals
so that defects may be discovered and corrected before they result in serious damage or failure. Table 4-1 contains a
tabulated listing of Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services to be performed by unit maintenance personnel. All
deficiencies and shortcomings will be recorded as well as the corrective action taken on DA Form 2404 at the earliest
possible opportunity.
Item No. Column. Numbers in this column are for reference. When completing DA Form 2404 (Equipment
Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet), include the item number for the check/service indicating a fault.
Item numbers also appear in the order that you must do checks and services for the intervals listed.
Interval Column. This column tells you when you must do the procedure in the procedure column. Do your
QUARTERLY PMCS once a quarter. Do your ANNUAL PMCS once a year.
Location and Item to Check/Service Column. This column provides the location and the item to be checked
or serviced. The item location is underlined.
Procedure Column. This column gives the procedure you must do to check or service the item listed in the
Check/Service column to know if the equipment is ready or available for its intended mission or for operation.
You must do the procedure at the time stated in the interval column.
Terms "ready/available" and "mission capable" refer to same status: Equipment is on hand and ready to
perform its combat missions. (See DA Pam 738-750)
Not Fully Mission Capable If: Column. Information in this column tells you what faults will keep your
equipment from being capable of performing its primary mission. If you make check and service procedures
that show faults listed in this column, do not operate the equipment. Follow standard operating procedures for
maintaining the equipment or reporting equipment failure.
Reporting and Correcting Deficiencies. If your equipment does not perform as required, refer to Section V
under Troubleshooting for possible problems. Report any malfunctions or failures on the proper DA Form
2404, or refer to DA Pam 738-750.
Common Checks. Following are checks that are common to the entire hypochlorination unit.
Keep it clean. Dirt, grease, oil, and debris only get in the way and may cover up a serious problem.
Clean as you work and as needed.
Rust and Corrosion. Check hypochlorination unit for rust and corrosion. If any bare metal or corrosion
exists, clean, and apply a thin coat of oil. Report it to your supervisor.
Bolts, Nuts, and Screws. Check them all for obvious looseness, missing, bent, or broken condition. You
cant try them all with a tool, but look for chipped paint bare metal, or rust around bolt heads. If you find
a bolt, nut, or screw you think is loose, tighten it or report it to your supervisor.