TM 10-6630-245-13&P Ferric Iron Test. Low Range.
Purpose of Test: To determine the amount of ferric iron in water sample.
Range: 0 to 1.0 mg/l
Equipment Used: Found in Ferric Iron Test Kit, para 2.6.4, fig. 2-8 and in Main Carrying Case, para 1.8, fig. 1-1
Color-standard disk, 0 to 1.0 ml range, (28), fig. 1-1
FerroVer iron reagent for 25 ml sample, (1), fig. 2-8
Viewing tubes, (3), fig. 2-8
Color comparator, (4), fig. 2-8
Viewing adapter, (5), fig. 2-8
General Techniques Used: Refer to paragraphs cited below as required by procedure.
Planning the Test, para
Cleaning Glassware, para
Handling and Storing Reagents, para
Collecting Water Samples, para
Mixing, para
Test Procedure:
Open door(4, fig. 2-13) on color comparator and remove both viewing tubes(2 & 6). Position viewing
adapter for vertical viewing(3).
Figure 2-13. Color Comparator, Low Range Test.
IRON REAGENT (FERROVER® ) May cause eye and respiratory tract irritation. May cause allergic
respiratory reaction if swallowed or inhaled. Harmful if swallowed. Do not ingest or allow
contact with skin or eyes. Do not breathe dust. In case of contact, immediately flush eyes with
water for 15 minutes. Remove contaminated clothing. Wash skin with soap and plenty of water.
In case of ingestion, DO NOT induce vomiting. Give one or two glasses of water. Never give
anything by mouth to an unconscious person. In case of inhalation, remove victim to fresh air.
Give artificial respiration if necessary. Call medic in all cases.
Fill both viewing tubes with water to be tested up to fill line(l) (about an inch from the top). To one tube,
add one FerroVer" iron reagent powder pillow(l, fig. 2-8) for 25-ml samples.