TM 10-6630-245-13&P
If the chloride titrant bottle is full enough to cover the tip of the dropper, and if the bottle has
been stored in the upright position, then the tip will have been soaking during storage and this
test procedure can be started without waiting.
Collect the water sample by filling the plastic measuring test tube(2) to the brim. Pour the sample into the
mixing bottle(4).
CHLORIDE 2 INDICATOR POISON. Harmful or fatal if swallowed. May cause eye and respiratory
tract irritation. May cause allergic skin reaction. Contains material which can cause cancer. In
case of contact, immediately flush eyes with water for 15 minutes. Wash skin with soap and
plenty of water. In case of ingestion. DO NOT induce vomiting. Give one or two glasses of
water. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. In case of inhalation, remove
victim to fresh air. Give artificial respiration if necessary. Call medic in all cases.
Flammable. Contact with other material may cause fire. In case of fire, use water, carbon dioxide
or dry chemical to extinguish.
Open one Chloride 2 indicator powder pillow(3). Add it to the water sample in the mixing bottle(4). Swirl to
Add the chloride titrant(l) drop by drop. Hold dropper vertical. Shake well after each drop. Count the
drops until the color of the solution changes to red-brown or orange. If the solution turns yellow and the
precipitant that forms is orange, more shaking was needed during the test. Repeat test starting at step (2).
Interpretation of Results:
Multiply the number of drops of chloride titrant required times 500 to get the mg/liter of chloride present in
the test sample.
Multiply the number of drops of chloride titrant required times 825 to get the mg/liter of sodium chloride
present in the test sample. Dissolved Oxygen Test.
Purpose of Test: To determine the amount of oxygen gas dissolved in water.
Range: 0.2 mg/i to saturation
Equipment Used: Found in Dissolved Oxygen Test Kit, para 2.6.5, fig. 2-10
Sample bottle, (1), fig. 2-10
Sulfuric acid reagent 1:1, (2), fig. 2-10
Titration flask, 50 ml w/ stopper, (3), fig. 2-10
Sodium thiosulfate, (4), fig. 2-10
Manganese sulfate, (5), fig. 2-10
Mini burette, (6), fig. 2-10
Starch reagent, (7), fig. 2-10
Dropping pipet, 1.0 ml, (8), fig. 2-10
Dropping pipet, 0.5 ml, (9), fig. 2-10
Alkaline potassium iodide, (10), fig. 2-10