TM 10-6630-245-13&P
Replace the cap on the tube to which the FerroVer® was added. Turn the tube upside down while holding
the cap firmly in place. Shake gently. Remove cap from tube.
Check viewing adapter(3) to ensure that it is level and fully seated in the viewing position.
Be sure to remove the caps from both tubes before placing them in the comparator. Best results
are obtained by slightly tilting the comparator towards the light. Be careful not to spill any liquid
from the tube. If liquid spills, repeat the test.
Place the viewing tube with FerroVer® treated sample in comparator hole nearest the middle(2). Place the
untreated sample in the other hole(6).
Wait 2 to 5 minutes. If ferric iron is present, sample will turn orange. Wait until any bubbles have settled
Ensure that both tubes are fully seated in the recesses(5) in the viewing adapter and that the viewing
adapter is fully seated. Insert the standard-color disk(28, fig.1-1) marked 0.0 to 1.0 mg/l, and close the
comparator door(4, fig. 2-13).
Hold comparator up to a light source (window, sky, lamp) and look through the two side-by-side
openings(9) in the front. Rotate the standard-color disk(7) until the colors seen through the two windows(9)
Record the reading seen through the scale window(8) in the front of the comparator.
Interpretation of Results: The reading through the scale window corresponds to mg/liter of iron in the sample. Chloride Test. High Range.
Purpose of Test: To determine the amount of chloride ion in a water sample.
Range: From 1,000 to 20,000 mg/i
Equipment Used: Found in Chloride Test Kit para 2.6.5, fig. 2-9
Chloride titrant (silver nitrate), (1), fig. 2-9
Test tube, (2), fig. 2-9
Chloride 2 indicator, (3), fig. 2-9
Mixing bottle, (4), fig. 2-9
General Techniques Used: Refer to paragraphs cited below as required by procedure.
Planning the Test, para
Cleaning Glassware, para
Handling and Storing Reagents, para
Collecting Water Samples, para
Mixing, para
Titrating, para
Test Procedure:
CHLORIDE TITRANT (SILVER NITRATE) POISON. Harmful if ingested. Contact may cause
severe burns. Do not ingest or allow contact with skin or eyes. In case of contact, immediately
flush eyes with water for 15 minutes. Wash skin with soap and plenty of water. In case of
ingestion, give large quantities of water or milk. In case of inhalation, remove victim to fresh air.
Call medic immediately in all cases.
Condition the dropper for the chloride titrant (silver nitrate)(l, fig. 2-9) by allowing it to soak in the chloride
titrant for at least two hours before using it. (Otherwise the drop size may be too small and the resulting
answers too large.)