TM 3-4230-218-12&P
(1) Install inside belt (2) on drive pulley (1) and, while turning water
pump pulley (6), slip belt below tensioner and into inside groove
at rear of pulley. Repeat for outside belt in outer groove.
(2) Install fuel pump drive belt (5) on drive pulley (l).
(3) Depress fuel pump (7) and slide other end of drive belt (5) onto
fuel pump pulley.
(4) Adjust drive belts in accordance with paragraph c below.
Position panel (4) on unit and lock fasteners (3).
Drive Belts, Installation/Adjustment
Loosen water pump belt tensioner attaching bolts
sioner (9) as far to the left as possible.
Move ten-
Move water pump belt tensioner (9) to the right until roller (10)
just touches belts (2).
Move tensioner (9) an additional 1/4 inch to the right and tighten
bolts (8) securely.
Start engine and operate unit for approximately 30 minutes.
Shut unit down and carefully reach in and touch drive pulley (fan
hub (l)).
(This hub is the drive pulley (1) for the water pump.)
If hub surface is hot to touch, belts (2) need to be tightened.
Change 1