sensing unit is fastened to the cylinder head. A wire runs from the switch to the magneto. The switch
is not repairable and must be replaced as a unit.
b. Removal.
(1) Disconnect the switch wire by pulling the clip connector from the terminal.
(2) Unscrew the cylinder head capscrew, remove the washer, and lift off the switch.
c. Installation.
(1) Position the switch on the cylinder head and secure with the washer and capscrew.
(2) Connect the switch wire by installing the clip connector on the switch terminal.
98. Magneto Stop Switch and Wire
a. Description. The magneto stop switch is a push-pull switch. It grounds the magneto, thereby, stopping
the engine. Because the switch is a one-piece unit it must be replaced if defective. The stop switch wire
leads from the rear of the stop switch to the magneto.
b. Removal.
(1) Remove the screw securing stop switch wire to the rear of magneto stop switch and screw (8, fig.
18) securing stop switch wire to
magneto (14) and remove wire.
(2) Remove nut securing stop switch (2, fig. 11) to front panel and remove stop switch.
c. Installation.
(1) Position magneto stop switch (2) in front panel and secure with nut.
(2) Secure magneto stop switch wire to rear of stop switch with screw and to magneto with screw (8,
99. Low Oil Pressure Shutoff Switch
a. Removal.
(1) Unscrew knurled nut (5, fig. 11) and remove wire from top of switch.
(2) Remove nut securing oil line to rear of switch and remove switch.
b. Installation.
(1) Position switch on front panel. Secure oil line to rear of switch with nut.
(2) Position wire on switch and secure with knurled nut.
100. Bitumeter Assembly
a. Removal.
(1) Loosen nut and disconnect bitumeter drive cable (6, fig. 5) at tachometer drive head (1). Loosen
nut and locknut securing lift rod and remove lift rod (3).
(2) Remove three bolts, nuts, and lockwashers securing bitumeter wheel mounting bracket (3, fig. 29)
to carrier frame and remove bitumeter wheel assembly.
(3) Loosen nut securing tachometer drive cable (6, fig. 5) to tachometer head (1) and pull tachometer
drive cable through the floor of the carrier.
(4) Remove the two screws and lockwashers securing tachomeer head to carrier instrument panel and
b. Disassembly.
(1) Remove cotter pins (1, fig. 29) securing pin (2) in mounting bracket (3). Remove pin and remove
bitumeter frame (9) and wheel assembly from mounting bracket (3).
(2) Remove setscrew (4) and remove drive unit (5).
(3) Remove pins (16) securing wheel assembly (18).
(4) Remove the four nuts (6), bolts (8) and lockwashers (7) securing the bearing supports (10) to the
bitumeter frame shaft (9) and slide the bearing supports and wheel assembly off the bitumeter
frame shafts.
(5) Remove the tire and tube.
(6) Remove three bolts, nuts and lockwashers securing lift rod bracket and remove lift rod bracket (2,
c. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
(1) Clean all parts with an approved cleaning solvent.
(2) Inspect frame and mounting brackets for bends, cracks, corrosion, and brok-
AGO 6871A