(2) Install the piston Din (8) securing the connecting rod (2) to the piston (7).
(3) Install the retaining rings (9).
(4) Position the oil ring (14) scraper ring(13), compression rings (12) on the piston (7).
Note. Make certain that the wiping lip on the oil ring is pointed toward the bottom of the piston
and that the gap in the piston rings are staggered.
g. Installation.
(1) Position the connecting rod (2, fig. 40)and piston (7) in the cylinder block bore.
(2) Using a suitable ring compressor, compress the piston rings and tap the piston into the cylinder
(3) Position the upper bearing half (3)connecting rod (2), lower bearing half (3) and bearing rod cap
(4) on the crankshaft (1) and install the connecting rod bolts (11), nuts (5) and lock-nuts (6).
(8) Install the manifold assembly (para.106).
136. Engine Crankshaft Assembly
a. Description. The forged steel crankshaft is
supported at
both ends by
roller bearings mounted in
crankcase. At the crankcase power end, the main bearing plate supports the bearing race. Shims installed
between the bearing plate and crankcase provide the proper crankshaft end play adjustment.
b. Removal.
(4) Remove the flywheel assembly and fly-wheel shrouding (para. 68).
(5) Remove the fuel pump and adapter(para. 80).
(6) Remove the cylinder heads (para.107).
(10) Remove the connecting rods from the crankshaft (para. 135), but do not remove the pistons from
the cylinder blocks unless they are to be worked on.
(11) Remove the screw (15, fig. 38) securing the idler gear shaft (11) to the crankcase.
(12) Using a suitable puller remove the idler gear (10) and idler gear shaft
(11) from the crankcase and slide the gear from shaft.
(13) Remove the capscrew (28, fig. 40) and lockwasher (27) securing the main bearing plate (26),
gasket (25), shims (24) and gasket (22) to the engine crankcase.
(14) Remove the screws (8, fig. 38) and ET lockwashers (9) securing the bearing retainer plate (13)
to the engine crankcase.
(15) Remove the crankshaft from the engine crankcase.
c. Disassembly.
(1) Remove the oil seal retainer and oil seal (32, fig. 40) from the crankshaft(1).
(2) Remove the crankshaft gear (19) and woodruff key (15) from the crank-shaft.
(3) Press the bearing cups (18 and 30) out of the main bearing plate (26) and bearing retainer plate
(4) Remove the oil slinger (20, fig. 40)from the crankshaft (1).
(5) Using a suitable puller, remove the bearings (17 and 29) from the crank-shaft (1).