TM 5-4610-218-12
from the bottom of the sludge concentrator tank
ent control valve CV-34.
contains visible quantities of limestone, decrease
(8) Open the raw water influent control
the limestone slurry discharge rate. Move the vari-
valves CV-7, CV-8, CV-9, CV-10 and CV-11. Open
ator feed indicator to a lower setting. Use the cali-
bypass valve BPV-12, ventcock VC-6, draincock DC-
bration chart as an aid in determining the proper
(9) Open slurry feeder diatomite compart-
(5) Chlorine residual. In order to maintain
ment control valve CV-32.
a chlorine residual in the filtered water, it will be
(10) Open the draincock at the base of the raw
necessary to determine the chlorine residual by
water and distribution pumps.
testing every 30 minutes. If the chlorine residual is
less than that prescribed by the local medical au-
(11) If the weather is cold enough to freeze
thorities, increase the calcium hypochlorite solution
water, drain all water and distribution hoses. Dis-
discharge rate. Move the feed indicator to a higher
connect hoses from the pumps to drain the water.
Install the hoses after all the water has drained
than that prescribed, move the feed indicator to a
from them.
lower setting. Use the calibration chart (fig. 2-7) to
c. Generator. For shutting down the generator,
aid in determining the proper setting.
refer to the applicable technical manual for the gen-
(6) Increase filter run. To increase the
length of the filter run, increase the diatimaceous
earth slurry discharge rate. Move the variator feed
2-13. Operation of Equipment.
indicator to a higher setting (fig. 2-9). Use the cali-
a. General. After the water purification unit is
in operation, there are certain adjustments that
the proper setting.
may have to be made. These adjustments will de-
(7) Decrease filter run. To decrease the
pend upon the quantity and quality of raw water
length of the filter run, decrease the diatomaceous
being purified.
earth slurry discharge rate. Move the variator feed
b. Adjustment of Chemical Equipment-
Adjustment of the chemical equipment will de-
chart as an aid in determining the proper setting.
pend upon clarity of the water above the slurry pool
(8) Water has objectional color, taste, or
in the erdlator tank, filterability of this water and
the length of the filter run.
(a) If the water has an objectional color,
(1) Treated water looks cloudy. If the
taste, or odor, add a base charge of 1/4 pound (. 113
water above the slurry pool in the erdlator tank
kg) of activated carbon (charcoal) per gallon (3.78
looks cloudy, increase the ferric chloride solution
L) of water to the limestone compartment of the
discharge rate. Move the feed indicator to a higher
slurry feeder.
6) in determining the proper setting.
(b) The limestone compartment holds ap-
proximately 14 gallons (52.92 L).
(2) Treated water has reddish color. If the
water above the slurry blanket has a reddish color,
(c) Measure 3.5 pounds (1.588 kg) of acti-
decrease the ferric chloride solution discharge rate.
vated carbon.
Move the feed indicator to a lower setting. Use the
(d) Pour the activated carbon into the lime-
stone compartment.
proper setting.
(3) Treated water clear with large par-
ticles and blanket fluffy. If the water above the
and 2-16) are provided covering the
slurry blanket looks clear but large particles are ris-
full range of feed for a raw water flow
ing and the blanket looks light and fluffy, increase
of 1500 gph for each chemical feeder.
the limestone slurry discharge rate. Move the vari-
The ordinate of each chart has 2
scales, one in parts/rein. and one in
ml/min. The abscissa of each chart is
termining the proper setting.
in feeder scale readings. Each chart is
(4) Visible limestone in sample from
identified as to its respective feeder,
sludge concentrator tank. If a sample of slurry