TM 5-4610-223-12
Fold back approximately 1/2 inch on one end of the sleeve for gripping purposes and slip the sleeve onto
the tube as illustrated on figure 3-31, step B.
Be careful not to damage any of the O-rings. Do not tighten the tierod enough to crush or break the
plastic cups.
Insert capscrews (13, fig. 3-27) through lockwashers (12) and through one lug of upper bracket (10).
Place retaining ring (14) on capscrew so that ring is between two lugs on upper bracket.
Install O-ring (5) in lower bracket (4) and O-ring (9) in upper bracket (10).
Position filter element assembly (4, fig. 3-26) on the adapter bushing in bottom of filter.
Screw bolts (2, fig. 3-26) in mounting bracket (3) and tighten securely.
Ensure that filter gasket (5) is in place.
Position filter housing cover (1, fig. 3-25) on filter housing (5).
As you tighten bolt (4) and nut (3) rap the clamping ring with a mallet to ensure proper seating of
clamping ring and gasket.
Position clamping ring (2) around filter housing and housing cover, and secure with bolts (4) and nuts (3).
General. The waste water tank (13, fig. 3-32) is mounted on the van body floor. A drain in the bottom of the wet
well tank permits drainage of the wet well tank into the waste water tank when water unsuited for filtering is obtained from
the erdlator. In addition, intermittent drainage of slurry from the sludge concentrator tank is received by the waste water
tank. The tank is covered by a metal grating (1, fig. 3-32).