TM 5-4610-223-12
Remove cable outlet cap (7, fig. 1-1) and insert the generator power cable through the van body.
Open the electric control cabinet door (3, fig. 2-3) and insert the power cable (5) through the opening
in the bottom of the cabinet (4).
Loosen the four terminal nuts (2) enough to allow an opening wide enough to insert wires in the slots
of the terminal studs.
The four wires of the power cable (5) are color coded as follows: L1 (black), L2 (red), L3 (white), and
LO (green). The terminals are marked BLACK, RED, WHITE and GREEN.
Connect wire (9) L1 to black terminal, wire (8) L2 to red terminal, wire (7) L3 to white terminal, and
wire (6) LO to green terminal, and tighten the four nuts (2) down on the studs securely.
When making connections be sure the color code, or numbers on the generator and control cabinet
terminals correspond and are connected accordingly.
After connecting generator, check rotation of each motor. If all motors are turning in the wrong
direction, reverse two of the generator phase leads.
Close the control cabinet door 3).
Effluent Launder.
Remove steel bands (5, fig. 2-8) that secure wood braces (2) between effluent launder (4) and mounting
bracket (1).
If necessary, raise and level effluent launder.
(1) Instructions contained in this section are published for the information and guidance of the personnel
responsible for the operation of the water purification unit.
(2) It is essential that the operator know how to perform every operation of which the unit is capable. This
section gives instructions on starting and stopping the unit, on the basic operation of the unit, and how to coordinate the
basic components to perform the specific tasks for which the water purification unit is designed.
2-22 Change 1