TM 5-4610-223-12
(2) Install a 1 1/2 inch male pipe to 2-inch female hose adapter (4) in male hose outlet connection (5) of the
second storage tank (6).
(3) Install a 1 ½ inch gate valve (3) on adapter (4) and screw a I 1/2-inch male pipe to I l/2-inr-,h female hose
adapter (2) in the gate valve.
(4) Attach male end of 1 ½ rubber hose assembly (1) to adapter (2).
(5) If an electric driven pump is used, attach female end of hose assembly (1) to 1 1/2 inch male pipe to hose
adapter (23) in suction side of pump (41).
(6) If a gasoline engine driven pump is used, remove adapter from suction side and install a 2 x 1 1/2 inch
Install a 1 1/2-inch male pipe to hose adapter (23) in bushing and attach female end of hose assembly (1) to adapter.
Filtered Water Distribution Pump.
(1) Under normal operating condition the distribution pump (41, fig. 2-6) and the raw water pump (28) will be
identical electric driven pumps. When two electrical pumps are required to supply raw water a gasoline engine driven
pump will bet used for distributing the purified water to the transporting vehicles. Installation and setting-up instructions
are similar for both pumps.
(2) Select a location for the pump (41, fig. 2-6), suitable for distributing purified water to the transporting
vehicles. Provide for adequate drainage.
Secure the pump on a firm level foundation of planking or timbers to prevent settling and shifting when in
(4) If an electric driven distribution pump is used, remove the adapter in the discharge opening. Screw the I
1/2-inch male pipe end of siamese connection (40) into elbow (21).
If a gasoline engine driven distribution pump is used, remove the adapter from elbow (21) from the
discharge opening. Install a 2 x l 1/2 inch bushing in elbow (21), then screw the I 1/2inch male pipe end of the siamese
connection (40) into the bushing.
Screw two 25-foot lengths of 1 1/2-inch cotton rubber lined hose (39) into female end of siamese
(connection (40). Screw a I 1/2-inch male pipe to hose adapter into opposite ends of hose. Screw dispensing nozzles
(37) on adapters.
Waste Water Hose Lines. Remove caps from waste water line outlets (17 and 29, fig. 2-6) on right side of van
body. Install required 2-inch rubber hose assemblies to dispose of waste water from treatment and filtering sections.