TM 55-1930-209-14&P-1
On DC power panel in workshop, close appropriate circuit breakers and fused circuits as required for operations:
1P14 Bilge alarm module
2P14 Navigation lights
3P14 Radio receptacles and telephone system
4P14 Alarm relay
5P14 Status lights
6P14 Foghorn
7P14 Anchor light
8P14 Warning emergency shutdown system
9P14 Anti 2-block override
DC power panel circuit breaker 8P14 must be closed prior to starting any diesel
engines onboard. If not closed, solenoids In emergency shutdown system cut off
fuel to diesels. Engine will start and run for a few minutes until lack of fuel shuts It
3-13.3 Emergency operating procedures. When normal power fails, 120 Vac power being supplied through circuit
breaker 10P1 3 to the inverter is cut off. The inverterdraws power from the battery bank, converts it to 120 Vac, and
supplies it to the emergency power panel.
Check circuit breakers 10P13A-1 thru 10P13A-6 on 120 V emergency lighting panel on ROWPU space forward
bulkhead. Open (OFF) any of them not required for emergency lighting. These circuit breakers normally remain
closed so that emergency lights are activated immediately when normal lighting is cut off. Make sure that
10P13A-7 and A-8 for telephone system buzzers and VHF marine radio are closed (ON).
b. While operating on emergency power, turn off any unnecessary power usage.
Workshop Items drawing power from 24 Vdc panel are not Immediately affected by
changing from normal to emergency power. If not turned off, however, they will
deplete the limited supply of electrical power available from the battery bank.
While operating on emergency power, check system to make sure it is operating properly. Inverter may become
warm to touch with the open hand but should not become hot.
3-13.4 Return to normal power source. When normal power becomes available, holding voltage will be returned to one
side of inverter. Inverter reverts to active standby and normal 120 Vac is again supplied to emergency lighting panel. The
24 Vdc being supplied from the battery bank to the DC panel in the workshop continues without change.
Check battery charger instruments to verify that battery bank is being recharged.
Check that marine radio and telephone station buzzer system are working properly.