TM 55-1930-209-14&P-1
ENGINE START/STOP switch. Located on engine. ENGINE CONTROL SWITCH on switchboard must be in
REMOTE for this switch to start the engine Push switch up to start engine. Push switch down to stop engine.
When stopping engine, ENGINE CONTROL SWITCH may be in any position.
EMERGENCY STOP button. Located on engine. Push to stop engine. Resetting this button will start engine
cranking and running unless ENGINE CONTROL SWITCH is set to OFF.
Seawater valves control flow of cooling seawater to SSG 1 and SSG 2 to cool engine coolant and lubricating oil.
These valves must be open for engines to operate.
Seawater valve SW37. Located in void 4 port next to seawater strainer. When open, provides water from
seawater strainer to manifold piping, which provides cooling seawater to all generators In voids 4.
Seawater valve SW49. Located in void 4 starboard on starboard bulkhead. When open, provides outlet for
used cooling water to flow overboard.
SSG 1. Open SW valves SW38 and SW39 on side of engine.*
SSG 2. Open SW valves SW40 and SW41 on side of engine.*
* These SW valves have temperature gauges with each valve to indicate incoming and outgoing
water temperatures.
3-19.1.2 Engine indicators. Engine indicators are on switchboard SSG engine panel, with exception of the following
which are on the engine: fuel pressure gauge indicator, oil dipstick, engine alternator ammeter, oil pressure gauge,
service meter. coolant level indicator, and coolant temperature gauge.
Oil pressure gauge. Left-hand gauge on engine instrument panel indicates oil pressure in pounds per square inch
on the bottom scale. Scale reads 0-10-30-50-70. When engine Is new, Its normal oil pressure indication is
obtained by operating engine at normal temperature and maximum rpm. Mark this oil pressure reading on gauge
rim to indicate normal operating range.
Oil dipstick. Shows amount of oil In engine crankcase. Oil level must be between ADD and FULL marks on
Fuel pressure gauge. Gauge is marked with red zone on the left, an overlapping red and green section in the
middle, and a green zone on the right. When fuel filter becomes clogged, needle will move to red zone. When
needle indicates in the center section of red and green, primary fuel filter must be washed and secondary fuel
filter element replaced.
Hour service meter. Located on end of governor, this device indicates number of hours engine has operated.
Water temperature gauge. Right-hand gauge on instrument panel indicates temperature of coolant circulating in
engine block. Bottom scale reads in degrees Fahrenheit from left to right (100-140-180-200), and gauge Is
marked in red from 200 to right end of scale. A thermostat In closed-circuit portion of system keeps coolant within
designed limits.
Coolant filler cap. On top of coolant tank. When removed, shows level of coolant in closed coolant portion of
engine cooling system.
3-19.2 SR4 generator controls. SR4 generator controls are on the main switchboard and are discussed in Chapter 2,
Volume 9.