TM 55-1930-209-14&P-1
After dumping product water overboard for 15 minutes, check water quality:
Obtain product water sample at valve RO9.
Manually check total dissolved solids (TDS), salinity, and the acidity and alkalinity (pH) of product water
being discharged according to TM 5-6630-215-12.
Make sure salinity reading is less than 1500 ppm and pH factor is about 7.
y. If quality of product water in step x is acceptable, proceed to paragraph 13-11.3
If quality of product water is not acceptable, continue to discharge water directly overboard for another 15
Repeat step x. Continue to discharge water overboard if water quality remains unacceptable.
If quality is not acceptable after an additional 15 minutes, troubleshoot according to Table 4-1 in TM 55-
1930-209-14 & P-3.
13-11.3 Operating procedures
Product water can NOT be discharged to drinking water storage tanks until
chlorination system is operational and providing sufficient chlorine additive to the
product water. The only exception to this would be when chlorination system is
not operational. As a temporary emergency measure, and with prior coordination
with water unit ashore, product water may be stored in tanks and pumped ashore
where chlorination can be added by the water unit on the beach.
Make sure chlorine is being added to ROWPU product water before water enters storage tanks. If chlorination
system is unable to provide proper amounts of chlorine, continue to pump product water overboard or suspend
seawater and ROWPU system operation until chlorine is available. For operation of chlorination system, see
Chapter 9.
Make sure drinking water system storage tank valve(s) in Table below are open for tanks to be filled.
Valve no.
Open valve RO15 and close valve RO20 to allow product water to flow to drinking water storage tanks.
The EMS monitors salinity of output from each ROWPU, amount of chlorine in
water entering the tanks, water level in the four storage tanks, and HP pump diesel
engine lubrication oil pressure and cooling water temperature. Salinity Is shown
on SALINITY display page, chlorine entering storage tanks Is shown on CHLORINE
STATUS display page, storage tank levels are shown on POTABLE WATER TANKS
display page, and engine Indicators are shown on HIGH PRESSURE WATER
PUMPS display page.
Monitor water level in each storage tank, total level in all four storage tanks, and the amount of chlorine entering
ROWPU(s) will continue to operate and fill drinking water storage tanks until manually shut down. Stop and
restart ROWPU's as often as necessary to maintain water flow into storage tanks.