TM 55-1930-209-14&P-1
Section I. General
14-1 General. The drinking water system provides storage for water produced by the Reverse Osmosis Water
Purification Units (ROWPU's) and includes pumps and valves to move that water from onboard storage tanks to the shore
discharge system or overboard to another vessel. It also provides a pressurized water supply for drinking and washing
onboard the barge.
14-2 Description. The drinking water system for Barge 1 (Figure 14-1) and for Barges 2 and 3 (Figure 14-2) stores
15,000 gallons of drinking water in four 3,750-gallon tanks and 250 gallons in a reserve tank. The system supplies
drinking water by one of two discharge pumps to a shore facility or to another vessel, or water can be discharged directly
overboard through a port discharge valve. The pressure set supplies onboard drinking water to the reserve tank, to the
dayroom drinking fountain and sink, to the shower on the forward deck, to four washdown stations in the ROWPU space,
to the chlorination system in void 2 port, and to the washdown station on deckhouse top. Major components of the
drinking water system are shown in Figures 14-1 and 14-2, and listed in Table 14-1. A block diagram of the drinking water
system is shown in Figure 14-3 for Barge 1 and Figure 14-4 for Barges 2 and 3. Equipment specifications, maintenance
information, and manufacturer's service manuals are contained in TM 55-1930-209-14 & P-5.
14-3 Capabilities. The total onboard storage capacity is 15,000 gallons plus 250 gallons reserve. The maximum
discharge pressure is 140 pounds psi and the maximum discharge rate with both ROWPU's operating is 300,000 gpd,
15,000 gph, or 260 gpm.
14-4 Limitations. The drinking water system shall not be operated in rough sea conditions exceeding Sea State 3. For
acceptable drinking water standards, the chlorine content must be from 2 to 5 ppm and the salinity level must not be
greater than 1000 ppm.
14-5 Performance characteristics
a Drinking water discharge pump
260 gpm 250 ft
1,750 rpm
440 Vac, 3 ph, 60 Hz, 30 hp
Flow sensor capacity
600 gpm, 5 gpm minimum
Pressure sensor rating
0-300 psi