Span This is the gain for the sensor. it and the calibration voltage determine the weight of a count.
Range is from 0 to 3840.
Type When equal to 1, it is used to indicate a thermocouple type sensor to be temperature
Range Voltage multiplier used by the System. Values can be 0, 1, or 2 to indicate a multiplier of 1, 10,
or 100, respectively.
Calibration Ranging from 2 to 6, selects any one of 5 precision reference voltages used by the System
for digitization of analog signals. Misc. Used to supply the number of the linearization table to be
used, if any.
Alarm Lockout number The number of the alarm enabling condition, if any.
Rate Input Sensors
Most parameters are the same as for voltage input sensors. Only those that differ are discussed
below: Scan Rate Must be 1.
Offset The offset is the time interval in 20ths of a second increments that the System will wait between
pulses before setting an UNDERRANGE status. Span The conversion factor from the interval of time
between pulses to a 12 bit answer. The equation used is SPAN/INTERVAL.
Type This instruction is used to determine whether the pulse input is to be interpreted as a totalizer or a
rate input.
Range Used as a multiplier in the SPAN/INTERNAL calculation.
Calibration 2nd Co-channel.
Misc. Co-channel number. if the current channel is used for rate input, the co-channel will be used to
totalize the pulses.
Section 3 - Page 4