Misc. - Number of the switch or rate channel that enables or disables totalization - used for conditional
1 to 63 - Channel number of switch, when closed, which enables totalization.
129 to 191 - This number, minus 128, is the channel number of the switch, which allows totalization
when the switch is open.
65 to 73 - This number, minus 64, is the channel number of the rate sensor which allows totalization of
engine time when the sensor reading is not underrange.
Edit Operational Commands
Cursor Movement
Moving the cursor is the method of selecting the line, sensor, or switch to be changed. For lines and
sensors, the cursor is a bright bar extending from the left side of the screen to mid-screen. For
totalizers and switches, the cursor position is indicated by making the switch or totalIzer display double
intensity. Movement is from left to right to the last display on the line, then down to the next line. To
move the cursor, press the appropriate key as indicated on the menu (usually a "1"), and notice that the
cursor moves one line down, or to the next switch block. Repeatedly pressing the key (or holding it
down), will make the cursor move all the way down to the last editable line or sensor, and then start
again at the top. To select the line or sensor to edit, stop the cursor on the desired line or sensor
display and press the key for the menu option "EDIT THIS ONE".
Entering Numbers
Editing numbers (for example, setting time and date) involves choosing a line to edit and entering a new
value. The format of the on-screen information places labels on the left and a column of numbers near
the middle of the screen. The labels are descriptions of parameters, and the column is the present
value of those parameters. The preceding paragraph described making a line selection by moving the
cursor and pressing the key to "EDIT THIS ONE". When this key is pressed, the cursor will extend
through the present value column. Now, pressing the number keys (as well as "-" and ". ") will, like a
calculator, write those numbers on the screen. When the number to be entered is displayed, press the
key marked ENTER. This will accept the numbers entered and shorten the cursor.
Section 3 - Page 6