Edit Mode Operation
To use the Edit mode, start by pressing the EDIT key. The EDIT keys on both Operator's stations will light, locking
all other users out of the Edit mode (pressing the EDIT key when someone at the other operation's station is in the
Edit mode will have no effect), and instructions will be displayed on the video monitor. During each step of the Edit
mode, instructions in the form of a menu of options will be displayed on the screen. Using the Edit mode requires
simply following these displayed instructions.
Important: when the EDIT key is pressed, the keys on the keyboard have new functions. These functions are
printed in black on the keyboard panel above the key. Therefore, the top left key has the value '1', Just like a
calculator key. These secondary key functions are used to perform the various operations described below.
Option Selection
As mentioned earlier, a menu of options is presented at each step in the Edit mode with each option numbered.
Select the option by pressing the key with the same number as the chosen option. The PMS II will ignore all
unlabeled keys, and any key not on the menu.
System Edit Menu
The system edit menu will be displayed on the screen after the correct three (3) digit combination has been
The following paragraphs will describe the changes which can be made for each of these choices. The method
used to make these changes is described in paragraph 2.3.
Edit Bar Parameters
Two types of sensors are the sources of bargraph displays: analog input sensors, and rate input
sensors. Because the significance of some of the calibration information is different for the two
sensor types, they will be discussed separately. it should be noted here that prior to changing any of
the sensor calibration parameters (offset, span, calibration, and range), the operator should consult
the calibration section of the sensor drawings in the installation manual.
Section 3 - Page 2