Situation 2:
Using a repetitive technique, calculate the new span (refer Section C) repeatedly, followed with a
recalculation of new offset value using the formula.
New Offset = New Span
x Old Offset
Old Span
Do this until the screen is within +/- 1% of the desired reading. This may take several calculations to
achieve, but is required for proper results.
Situation 3:
You must use a linear gauge which displays the linear values from which the look-up table was
derived. Access the complete edit mode page for the sensor requiring calibration and record the
Misc Data Value. Then set Misc Data value to zero (0). The sensor scale on the display page now
no longer represents the scale Indicated, but Instead, a linear scale directly proportional (from zero to
full scale) to the linear gauge you are using. Now use the linear calibration procedure (section b and
c) and calibrate as any linear sensor. Upon completion of this, set the Misc Data back to Its original
Section 4 - Page 3