TM 55-1930-209-14&P-11
3-5 Alarm acknowledgment. Anytime a sensor detects a value outside acceptable limits (abnormal situation), EMS
activates alarms Indicating this requires immediate operator attention.
3-5.1 Abnormal conditions are indicated In four ways:
Horn and flashing strobe light are activated in ROWPU space and on mast on deckhouse top, buzzer sounds in
dayroom and alarm sounds on keyboard.
Video monitor automatically switches to ALARMS SUMMARY display page, which displays all conditions causing
alarms. Listing starts with condition most recently causing alarm. This condition is shown in bright (double
intensity), flashing characters.
Keyboard key corresponding to display page where alarm point is located flashes red.
Bar or block display of the alarmed point on display page corresponding to red flashing key shows alarm
condition in bright (double intensity), flashing characters. However, this is not immediately noticeable until
flashing red key Is pressed
3-5.2 To acknowledge alarms sounded by EMS:
Press key that is flashing red. This makes video monitor change from ALARMS SUMMARY display page to
display page showing alarm-causing sensor, which will be displayed as bright (double intensity), flashing
Press ACK (acknowledge) key. This silences keyboard and external alarms, providing there are no other alarm
conditions to be acknowledged. The key for display page containing acknowledged alarm changes from flashing
red to white, and bar or block display Indicator stops flashing, but remains at double intensity until condition is
If there are other alarm conditions, repeat steps a and b until all have been acknowledged. Determine and
correct condition that caused alarm
Bar or block portion of display page, previously being displayed at double intensity, returns
to normal intensity when alarm condition Is corrected.
3-6 System editing. Keyboard, with video monitor, sets time and date, activates or deactivates sensors and sets
display page information, including alarm points These functions are performed when edit mode is selected by pressing
EDIT key on keyboard EDIT key lights and changes keyboard functions to those shown In black above each key (Figure
3-3) Potable key now has a value of "1," SALINITY key a value of "2," etc., like a calculator keyboard These keys, now
serving as numbers, change settings in EMS during edit mode
During each step of edit mode, instructions in the form of a menu or prompts are shown on
video monitor. Follow these menus or prompts and EMS will not be damaged. While editing,
should alarms be activated, press EXIT key and then ACK key to acknowledge alarms. While
editing, to return to normal monitoring, press EXIT key.